Originally Posted By pittsburghracer

I just can't see paying twice to get it right. I could see if you got a GOOD cnc product but I've tested lots and they just aren't doing a very good job. They sure look pretty. A good Friend of mine challenged me to race my small tire car with his 20,000 dollar small block Ford with the pretty cnc heads and he can't even out-run my Edelbrock headed small block. LOL. He hasn't been quite so mouthy lately but I have a hard time keeping a straight face around him.

Get it "right?" So every head you have is ported to Prostock levels with welding, epoxy, sleeved pushrod and bolt holes and so forth?

I agree CNC is a production method, but let's not pretend that hand porting is all the same either. There's more than a few hacks and just plain average talents out there. CNC is selling for more than it's worth in many cases because clueless buyers are buying it. And that's fine, probably 75+% of Mopar guys don't need bleeding edge stuff because they're running bracket stuff.

My point was that the shop or porter could benefit from the machine doing much of the "dumb" metal removal. And frankly, there's a few porters who are under pricing their time for levels of performance that are simply beyond the reach of others. If people are paying 100% for 95% CNC and paying that same 100% for 100% from the hand porter, then that porter should be raising his prices. Because there is no substitute for winning, and if you need the "good stuff" to win, then that's all their is to it. Pay the man. S/F.....Ken M