been fighting the CNC crap for a long time. One company ( a big name head company) called me a crook and a liar because their heads were CNC ported and didn't flow any where near what they said. The ports were so turbulent you couldn't read the manometers.

Then the customer is pissed because they paid for CNC and the big name companies tell them not to finish the ports by hand. I have NEVER seen a port that was CNC finished that didn't improve with hand finishing.

In 10 years I'll probably be dead and so will performance automotive stuff. It's got one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel right now. If a kid is under 15 right now, they will NEVER understand performance cars. Ever. They are indoctrinated from day one in school (and every day on TV, in the papers and on the web) to hate cars. I was born in the wrong generation for sure.

Just because you think it won't make it true. Horsepower is KING. To dispute this is stupid. C. Alston