I think you have been beat up enough over not going back to them.

I understand you are in a pinch and have to.

I suggest that after they get it back to you Do the following.

1. Rotate the crank and check for binding before you do anything else.

2. Pop at least 1 main (preferably all) and a rod (Preferably all) and use plastigauge to check clearances. I know platiguage isn't the preferred method but it will be good as a secondary checking tool.

3. Check crankshaft endplay.

4. Take a rocker arm off and check for any brass remnants in the shaft and the arms.

5. Disassemble the oil pump and check for brass filings

6. Meticulously clean or preferable replace the pickup.

All that should take about an hour or two.

In a perfect world I would pull the cam and check those bearing but that is an extra hour or two.

If anything is wrong fix it or get them to fix it before break in. A couple hours may save yourself a lot of time and effort in the long run.

Again I hope it goes well and they make it right and this thread was just unnecessary stress.