Just me, what I would do is let them do it over. The threat of legal action likely will force them to do it right but I would not go that route up front. I would assume they have the knowledge to go it correctly but they put a newbie on it for some reason & pretty much fubared the rebuild or something (its hard to second guess peoples' motives). You do not have the money or time or desire to take it somwhere else. I would give them the chance to rectify it & very likely you will get a meticulous job this time (their a$$ is on the line). From what I have observed locally small claims court/lawyers/lawsuits take forever & cost more in time/anquish & still hard to get your money (small claims court) & is a good plan only in some cases. I've heard that alot of dealerships even have a percentage number for the number of comebacks they anticipate having to correct in a fiscal year & how much that will cost them. Most customers dont stand up for themselves & if you are one of the ones that do they will (very) likely take care of you. Firm/no shouting constant regular pressure is the key. cool/calm/regular contact/firm/non threatening insistance. You're an actor and you have a part to play. Good luck with it & post how it turns out. On a side note what I have seen that works in severe cases is an ad in the paper badmouthing their service/parking a lemon car in front of their dealership/demonstrating with a sign in front of their business on the sidewalk (demonstration? permit may be required) . Good luck bro

live every 24 hour block of time like it's your last day on earth