

Frankly factory belt specs really don't matter. They are NEVER tight, except in the case of an impact, which may be never. They are not pulled and tugged on through tightening clamps hundreds of times. They are not stressed at the point of attachment, at some odd angles and they are NOT designed to keep YOU and your SEAT, anchored in a car in the event of a high speed........like 200+ mph impact. The vast majority of "street" accidents are at speeds of 40 mph or less. The majority of racing accidents are at speeds in excess of 100mph.

Simple question......if your "street" car were capable of the speeds that your "race" car is, would you be confident in your factory restraint system keeping you in the car, in the event of a high speed crash. If your answer to that is yes.........well I guess that makes you a much braver man than me. Because my answer would be HELL NO. And I don't car if you can pick up a Sherman tank with a stock seat belt......I wouldn't trust it in my race car. Somebody mentioned junkyards pulling motors with stock seat belts..........well I would HOPE so, seeing the average small block is less than 600lbs. When we used to go "junking" all the time, I have pulled motors with some old pieces of rope we found lying around. You know what that means......NOTHING.......unless of course that signifies that we should trust a piece of old rope to be "good enough".........after all, you can pull a motor with it.


Monte... maybe you dont know what the hell your talking
about... BELTS are a containment system.. in your
street car or race car... a street car uses a 2" system
and the race car uses a 3" system... both do the SAME
damn job... the cage keeps you from the big hurt..
I quit.... whether I were to supply you with data
I would be full of SH!T...as usual you MUST be right...
BUT I totally disagree

You didn't answer my question...........In the event of a high speed crash, at "track" speeds, do you think the "containment" system in your everyday car would be good enough to keep you and the seat in place...........simple question with a yes or no answer.
