
So I guess the only reason they changed the rule from 2" belts to 3" belts is just so the manufacturers could make MORE money because there is more material to be sold correct.............because if a 2" is "plenty strong" switching to 3" could ONLY be because they wanted to make more money.......correct? Because both would have to be replaced in 2 years.

And as far as the factory car restraint system........if you think that ONE belt kinda going across one shoulder, the lap anchored on one side, with a single latch and no crotch will keep you and the seat in place...........well, you have WAY more faith in it than I do. But is it obviously your option to feel that way.

And is sure does seem like a lot of the crashes we see at the race track, are cars nosing directly into the wall on the top end at a nearly 90* angle, at 200+ and then barrel rolling several times. One only need go back and look at the pic of the Vette roadster posted in this very thread. looks Like he more than "brushed" the wall a little. Find it hard to believe the restraints in my "driver" would have resulted in that guy walking away..........but what do I know

But as much fun as this thread has been........I believe I have had enough fun for now...........LOL!!!


The 3" is mainly to spread the load out on the body..
the 2" has enough strength that the body couldnt
withstand the pressures it takes to rip the belt
in half(and thats just 1 single 2" belt..not 4 or 5