


I don't think anyone is saying the SCAT I beam is stronger than the SCAT H beam. What we are saying is the SCAT I beam is cheaper and better than re-doing the stock rods witch are very strong, just heavy and not as strong as the SCAT I beam. The eagle I beam is worse than a stock rod, they look like the were made by Burt Monroe in his shed out of old buick parts melted down, only he would have probably made them better than Eagle.

bullcrap I was just told they were stronger.

A lot of back-stepping going on here. Where's that Ricksterhemi guy at. I wouldn't put a procomp distributor in my car let alone their rods.

Ricksters right here and he never said or agreed that I-Beams are Strnoger than H-Beams so don't try and say I did.....all I said was that for my build H-Beams weren't needed and I'll stand by that....The Scat I-Beams in my build are hang'n strong as per my engine builders suggestion and if you've never heard of "Mike Thompson Racing Engines" out of Naples....just go to any track in the south and you will most likely find several at any venue

You two might want to look into reading comprehension classes

Not to mention Mike was the National Top Sportsman Champion a cple of years ago in IHRA running his N/A 605 BB Chevy


Last edited by rickstershemi; 07/07/14 09:03 PM.