



H-beams don't fail either?

The assertion that an H is a better piece from these chinese factories is great folly. Seen more failed H beam rods than Scat I beams.

thats because the H beam is probably used about 90 to 1 vs the I beam. so you honestly think The scat I beam is a better rod than the H? and if the H is that big of a failure what do you think the I will do

Boy.... You truly are hard headed, aren't you? And continue to miss the point.
An H beam rod of XX material has NO advantage over an I beam rod of the same XX material. It becomes the weight and quality of forging, and the material used.
This post started about the Eagle SIR rod compared to the Scat I beam
In the case of those two rods, the Scat is made out of better material.
You can get great H beam rods that will live at 2000 horsepower. You can get I beam rods that will live at 2000 horsepower also.

You seem to have this warped thought that an I beam is inherently weak, and an H beam inherently strong....... Your wrong

about as hard headed as you let me make myself as clear as I can. AGAIN in high quality parts such as oliver etc the I beam is stronger and the preferred choice. now here we are talking cheap chinese crap like eagle scat etc, imo (this is my opinion nothing more) the H beam is a better rod. ask yourself which one is the cheapest? now why would the I beam be better? I wouldn't give you a plug nickel for a scat or eagle I beam. now you can try to convince yourself they are great rods sense you just bought one if you like I really hope it lasts you a long time and I am wrong.

You are wrong Tony...but it's okay, it happens sometimes
