Kinda funny story on bars and tech, allmost unbeliveable buy very true. Back when I lived in Wyoming I raced in Salt Lake City all the time, had some good Mopar friends there. One of them had bought a really nice 63 Savoy Max Wedge Clone, it was a street car that had been raced about once a year. The previous owner I guess for looks had installed a PVC rollbar 6 point and had siloconed where the welds would normally be, he had done a very good job of this, it looked just like a good weld, all painted flat black. It was amazing how real it looked. Anyway Brian started racing the car in Salt Lake and got it down to low 12s,we went to Boise Id for the Halloween Clasic and he ran 11.80s, good air, great hooking track.We did that a couple of years and no one in tech ever noticed the roll bar was PVC. Really strange that they didnt since Boise tech is really pretty strict. We went to a few other races up there during the year also and car ran a little to fast. 3rd year at the Halloween Classic and they finally noticed they had been looking a a PVC rollbar for a couple of years, guy caught it leanining into car to check jacket and helmet, Brian had even won one or two races up there, never had been noticed before. Man were they PI$$ed, let him run but we had to unhooked secondarys, add weight ect to get tat thing slowed down. Same car now has a really nice real roll bar, and is campaigned out west in A and B Stock. Anyway, he should have fixed te car ealier, but allways thougt it was funny that tech missed that a few years, oter than that car was about perfect tech and otherwise.

Last edited by wyoming; 02/16/14 06:51 PM.