

I unfortantly was at Norwalk on Weds night when a bike and car were making a pass at the same time. The bike crashed and was run over by the car. They landed life flight on the track......

Always makes me uneasy when tracks let bikes run with cars...

Atco never allowed it, so I was surprised when I was at Bandi and they waved me up to line up with a car....I told them I'd wait...too much can go wrong

I was there that night. Guy on a low 12 second street bike racing a Buick GN running 10s. Guy on the bike hit the brakes way too hard at the stripe, got thrown off and into the other lane, and the Buick ran over his legs at 120 mph. Obviously damaged the guys legs pretty badly, he was laid up for a long time.
Guy on the bike eventually began racing again. Guy with the Buick parked it and quit after that.
Wednesday nights at Norwalk there is a seperate bike class, but bikes can run with cars if they choose to do so in several of the other classes. You also get guys running quads occasionally with race cars in one class, and bikes/cars mix in the trophy class on Saturdays. Having said all that, I only know of that one incident from maybe 20 years ago...

Ron H.
"Just when you think you have all of the answers...I change the questions!" "Rowdy" Roddy Piper