

I think the biggest point that a lot of folks miss with Stielow's cars is that they are "true" cars as well. Tunes, heater, A/C, power options, traction control, ABS, ect. All this stuff adds up to a car that is not just fast, but does real car stuff. To top that off, he is a suspension engineer for GM and gets a lot of cool stuff to play with on his cars.

So until we have a suspension engineer who has worked at Chrysler for any extended amount of time to have access to piles of cutting edge technology, has built 15 up to date and modern designed set ups stuffed under a classic mopar, and then flogged said cars under the noses of the press, there flat out is not a mopar out there on the same level.

Geeze... Give me some time. I'm working on it... Kidding.