
So Dan being a suspension engineer with Hotchkis you are saying that a old mopar will not reach the level Mark Stielow is at with his camaros? What if you take all that Mark has done with detroit speed parts and put it into a mopar that shares the same wheel base a good aero with a engine and trans package that can match his

We'e trying right now, with Kevin's 76 Dart. It'll be a hell of a car for sure. And he is a fantastic driver, so I think that he will do really well once the car is sorted.

Our Mopar suspensions have a lot to offer, but are far from perfect. We look at the numbers and know the cars shouldn't be as fast as they are, but with a bit of luck and some really handy drivers, the cars do exceptionally well for what they are. There are a lot of set backs and limitations unless you are willing to make some serious compromises though to achieve a really good COG and balance to these cars. And as a Mopar guy, I just can't get myself to hack one up enough to do it. The guys at JCG have though, with the 70 R/T the cut up and installed a full C6 Based custom subframe/LS2 and flared the crap out of the fenders to get massive tires on all four corners. They have been testing for a couple months and the car looks promising with a good driver, and I'm sure it'll only get better. But again, sacrifices I'm not willing to make for the sake of speed.


I think the biggest point that a lot of folks miss with Stielow's cars is that they are "true" cars as well. Tunes, heater, A/C, power options, traction control, ABS, ect. All this stuff adds up to a car that is not just fast, but does real car stuff. To top that off, he is a suspension engineer for GM and gets a lot of cool stuff to play with on his cars.