You can play with stock cases and gearsets all you want Monte and that's fine if a guy is local and wants to take chances. When a guy is not your neighbour your not doing him a favor by suggesting to build a trans for 700HP out of a trans that was designed around 190HP.
Builds have a lot of variables and the prices will reflect that in most cases. You can say 10 clutch drum for example and I can say which one? Those not knowing can get them in many different forms which some are a bit junky. Planetaries are the same as there are too many variables then we get into pumps, VB's etc.

This is why the prices vary. Now if you think a stock case is good or "you are getting away with it" that's fine but if a guy was going to build a 2000HP motor, would you use a stock block? I hope you can see where im coming from here. Im not saying you can't do it but in many cases its just foolish to try.
