Tuff's Pro Mod was towed back for one simple reason. He was out of fuel.

They offered to pre Dave's lane too. Dave declined and tgey did their own 100' prep job including burning it in. Pictures have been posted on YB, it is not bs.

Tuff's sprayer was a gag made out of stuff from Menard's. In the pictures that have been posted you can clearly see individual lines down the lane. It was not full coverage.

Dave had traction control on the truck. Monza already admitted they had it set up. It did not work.

It was 38° on both lanes. The little sprinkles were on both lanes too.

This has all been posted on YB.

I still laugh about the OKC fans (and some drivers) being butthurt about Chi Town doing the hustle, but when Tina hustled Farmtruck and Rican they are quick to point out there are no rules.

"Everybody funny, now you funny too."