Car was in trailer when they rolled up...........can't PROVE anything, much less loud muffs. Now the cop called Doc by name, so they know him and you KNOW they have seen the show........but still, didn't SEE Doc do anything

Laws vary, but most any place they have to see you do something before they can ticket you. Around here, if you get caught at a street race, they can ticket you for hindering traffic flow and unlawful assy. That's about it, unless they catch you in the act. If they catch the car off the trailer, they will write you a list of equipment violations. That's the main reason the car should stay ON the trailer until you get ready to race it, and also the reason most SERIOUS street race cars are always trailered. Back when I did that sort of stuff, I NEVER drove my car to a race. That is just asking for serious fines
