To get an idea of how much weight your car has maybe try hitting a truck weigh station on your "Interstate" on the island?

If you get there and it's unattended you might be able to see the display through the window. Weigh the complete car and then place just the front 2 tires on the scale and then weigh with the rear 2 tires only on the scale.

With this information you can use the 10% of front end weight that Andy uses with his torsion bar tango application article.

When you set the car up for the track there are adjustments you can make to the chassis and suspension (of which I don't know all of them) that will "move" the weight around the corners of the car. Other moves like changing battery location can be tried out as well.

But for what your looking for right now, get the amount of weight that is placed on the front tires in an at rest condition your decision can be made confidently.