

I just measured how far down the block filler is..
its 2.9" down at the closest point... it only varies
less than .1 throughout the whole block... I'm gonna
go ahead and use that filled block since its a well
proven block.. I'll just freshen it up... that engine
had cranking pressures between 160 and 170 max(max difference)
so its going back together... I thought the fill
was higher than that when just looking at it.. that
puts the fill about mid cyl... I'll monitor the oil
temps and if need be add a cooler... or might just
add one with a fan thats on a temp switch

I would just go ahead and put an oil cooler with a fan in. A big cooler. If you don't, and you're sitting in an hour long backup on some highway during dragweek and its 90º outside, you'll be wishing you did.

I ordered one up today.. its 13 x 15 with a fan on it..
I'll put a temp switch on it so it comes on at a set
temp.. I'll also add a temp probe in the drain plug
to monitor the oil temp