
factory cover and roller do not mix without support

Yep...that cam is deflecting that cover. If you dont believe it, install the cam and cover just take a long screwdriver and carefully see how easy and how far that cam will walk..

Here is what I do...

Install the cam without the cover and put some paint on the nose of the button. Install the water pump housing and push the cam forward until it contacts the back of the housing(paint will leave a mark).

Build up some weld(Ill start with a half dollar in diameter) and about 3/16" thick weld.

Install the cover with gasket and then the housing also with the gaskets. Obviously dont glue anything in place yet-this is the mock up phase. Usually in the beginning, you wont be able to get the housing on(weld too thick). Then just keep grinding that weld "button" down until you have the desired end play.

Takes a little time, but makes for a better stop.Or you can use one of Andy F's covers.>>I think they have a provision for obtaining end play.