I still stand by my original statement, I would much rather start with the small port head and finesse it, than take the hogged out one and hope it works. And I will try to answer Brett's questions (weather or not anyone on here can comprehend them is not my problem).

"I am sorry but you just don't get it that top port has min cross section of 2.5 sq in this thing would not "RPM" on anything. High velocity port ?are we building dump trucks or race engines?"

1. Cross section is VERY important, but it isn't the end all be all to a good, efficient head. I have a smallblock (less than 360 cubic inches) race engine, it runs well into the 8's N/A, what does your car run???

A PST 358. With w8 heads (CFE). Had min cross section of 3.2sq in.
A good NASCAR cup engine right now has min cross section of 3.8". I guess all the top engine builders have it wrong we need them darn high velocity ports.

2. a PST is a very dif. entity in itself, are you making 1000+ hp, shifting at 10,500+ rpm and running 7.30's @ 175 mph in your car???

"I guess when I reworked Brian's small HVPs and took 20. Dur of duration out of the cam car picked up 1/2 sec and 8 mph......."

3. Brians car picked up a lot but it is safe to say that some of that was from finally getting good machine work done and getting away from the last smallblock "guru" who came on this site spouting big flow and HP numbers all the while peddling his wares and trying to make a "name" for himself. After more than a few shady deals fell through, he dissappeared... BTW, I have roughly 30* more duration in my cam than you do in yours, I am 60+ cubic inches smaller, roughly the same weight,(I may be 50 lbs heavier) and my heads flow roughly 60 CFM LESS than yours but I am 3 TENTHS quicker than you???

"Oh and I am so glad that looking at port opening you can pick the "good port""

3.Yes, I can. I have been doing this for a very long time and have seen enough of them to know what will work and what won't... BTW, you posted on here asking what the top head was for, just because you didn't like the answer isn't my problem...

"One of the reasons people that KNOW anything stopped posting here....."

4. EXACTLY! There are some extremely smart people that come on this site but when they try to let people in on what works FOR THEM, FOR THEIR COMBINATION, they are belittled by people afraid of being questioned, afraid of thinking outside of the box, afraid that their good "name" and their BUSINESS of "helping" (for a fee of course), less informed people by selling them their parts, products, service, whatever, will suffer. For the record, I did inquire about having a set of W-9 heads ported by you, but when you answered a couple of my questions with " IT'S NOT WORTH THE EFFORT", I realized that what you are selling is not what I am trying to do with my combination and not worth me buying. ANYTHING that will make more power, quicker ET's, more consistancy is ALWAYS worth the effort! I realize that 99% of the guys on here believe that bigger is better and with that bigger engine, airflow demand goes up, but at what price??? Eficiency? YES! I would rather have a small efficient engine than a big inefficient/lazy engine. I wish you and your business the best of luck and I will give you 2 clues to help you in your quest to make a a good head even better.
1. Swirl,tuble and stall. Learn how they affect power output. Harold Bettes of Superflow fame is a great teacher of this and other variables that are as much if not more important than overall flow. Darin Morgan is also very knowledgable on this as well as Carl Foltze of CFE fame.

2. ANYTIME you lower the port floor AND shorten the short side raduis YOU LOSE POWER! Even if you won't admit it, you and the last head "guru" on here lower the port flow and shorten the short side raduis, killing other power producing aspects of pretty much any modern cylinder head. The flow numbers may go up, but power does not go up proportionately for a number of reasons. (See number 1 above). Unless you are building a max effort PST, Australian pro-stock, or comp eliminator type engine with over 1" of valve lift and 10,000 RPM's you are hurting power output! And no, I haven't written any books or been published in any magazine to help promote my business or sell anything in the name of "helping" people, I am not trying to make a name for myself either. My car and et slips do all the talking... Again, I wish you the very best of luck, we race some of the same tracks from time to time so maybe we will meet up and compare notes...