
So from what I have read, for the most part, big or small block, to get this mid 9 second street car (N/A), you have to be very light at around 2900 lbs, lots of converter, lots of gear, lots of compression, big cam (which means stiff springs). All of that hardly equates to a "street car" that can be driven anywhere at speeds faster than 50 mph, no mileage limit, little maintenance, IMO

If it is so easy to run mid 9's N/A how come you don't see it that much, much less in a very streetable street car?

Your forgetting the use of OD... you dont need a
steep gear... myself I went 4.10 with the OD.. I'm
sure I could go to a 4.30 but then even with the OD it
would be up just beyond the rpm I like to cruise at
when headed down the E-way .. when using a roller cam
I would rather go up the spring pressure then having
the lifter bouncing all around... my springs are 250
on seat and I might go up a bit (not sure yet)...
compression... I went 10.9 so its pump gas(93 for
racing... 89 on the road) and I figured to drive
this at 75 mph