That's a big improvement over what you had, Tom's suggestion (70HEMIGTX) is a good idea, loosen up the motor mount bolts and see iff some movement occures to settle the motor down, sure it may be little, but everything helps, another alternative is to shim the K frame down, but I wouldn't go crazy, as you'll start screwing with suspension geometry, steering angle, etc, but a slight shimming could nose the motor down, but this will increase the distance of the Shaker base/seal from sealing under the hood, so you may need carb base, or neck spacers, depending on what perimeters you achieve...but it could help to further achieve the desired angle, and level off the Shaker perimeter gap

the current degree reading you have now is kind of relative to how level you have the car blocked in relation to the frame rails to the ground, once you think you've achieved the highest relocation of the tranny, shim/block the chassis level, but maintain that the car is still sitting on it's suspension, then measure the driveline angle off the oil pan rail, or the rear flange of the tailshaft housing measuring vertically on the flange end where the output shaft exits, use this new angle to now set the pinion up as discussed earlier...

You did good!...BTW that looks like a Classic MotorSports/Hurst Industries (Summit) 5spd set up?...yes/no
