
I have very similar issue with a 70 Challenger TKO. I put in spacers between the base plate to bring the bubble up. I have driven the car 50-60 miles with no problems and the relation of the fan to the radiatior has no issues. What can go wrong if I don't make the proper adjustments with the tranny?

Paul, if you don't know what relationship your driveline components are operating at, whether you feel vibration or not, isn't healthy for the longevity of your driveline, if your drive line phasing (the angle of the components in operation) and the U joint angle measured between the two joints is greater than 3 to 4 degrees constantly, your just accelerating the fatigue of the components involved.

Driveline angles, unchecked/unknown/uncorrected is behaps the biggest reason for most of these 5/6 spd swaps disappointments and failures, along with improper, or never performed bellhousing dial-in
