

My first guess is that the tranny, TKO-500, is sitting lower then a stock tranny to fit in the tunnel. I can jack the tranny up about 1/2" which really helps the shaker, but then it is hitting the floor hump.

ding ding ding .... WINNER , this is the problem with the TKO KIT.

Instead of mickey mousing it you should have trimmed and expanded whatever needs to be trimmed and/or expanded and set the engine at the proper angle.

Now you need to check your driveshaft and pinion angle and how is your fan in relation to the radiator ???

I was just going to "parrot" this same comment .....you need to establish the proper driveline angle, I don't care who's TKO 500/600 kit you have, as there are several vendors, the Shaker gap is the least of your worries right now, you can either clearance the floor, and/or trim any excess casting tabs/flanges not needed on the tranny that may be hitting the floor and preventing you from establishing the proper driveline angle, the proper angle is when your transmission/engine centerline is on the same parallel as your STOCK rear pinion angle, and your driveshaft exhibits a 1-2 degree deflection between these two components....buy an inclination meter/scale
