
How is your rear main doing??

sadly troy, i did not have as good as luck as you did with the rope. it's not leaking like it was with the lip seal, literally dripping down the cap, and everywhere for that matter, now, it seems to be just 'slinging' it from the crank. full perimeter wet ring inside bellhousing after a drive. it used leak like a sieve just at idle. it doesn't do that now, but when you drive it, it leaks. and leaks enough to make a big freakin' mess everywhere.

i did what i thought was a very careful install, (pulled it though like you) i cleaned the seal journal by pulling through rope until it was clear of any residue. carefully measured new rope by pressing into the cap, trimming, oiling it then pulling it around the crank. carefully dressed the 'frizzy' ends in the block, dressed up the cap half real nice like, drew the cap down evenly by driving both bolts at the same time. no problems with the cap fully seating on the block. thin bead along the parting lines, solid side seals, filled all gaps with rtv, everything i could think of.

but, i was only rewarded with another leak. not sure where to even go at this point, i think the motor needs to come out again, come apart, and get the crank out, and really study things. thinking about polishing the slinger grooves all the way out on the eagle crank, maybe metal spraying the journal to build it back up, then cut/polish it to a smooth finish, to stock diameter.

bummed about tearing the whole damn thing apart for the third freaking time. i am still very pissed off at the builder, eddie haines, for effing me over like this with absolutely NO help, or support.......

do you have any suggestions? any and all welcome at this point.......