Simple use this method and include safety restraints.

I would not be typing this if I didn't have the forethought to stack a few tires near a Mopar rolled on it's side... a buddy's great idea went bad. He was literally going into shock blubbering after he saw me escape with my life. Just take precautions.

I am so sick of folks that berate others here, based on false merits (their own false merits). Domingo does some pretty impressive work, I've owned some of it. Yeah anything attemped in the garage requires the first tool...your brain. If your clueless natural selection has the cure. Folks deal with it lets stop coddling the stupid, it's caused overpopulation already. If you've never built a car to the caliber of the person or car your slamming....Shut the yer hole...OR SHOW US YOUR CAR I will be calling MFers out before long