


In ragards to Domingos Shop and help, I'll back what Kirby said, there's no lack of talent and ability down there that's for sure!

there is a disreguard for safety here
no matter how much sugar you pour on it!
many people have been hurt and killed
trusting hydraulic pressure to holding up unsprung weight!
sorry, it is a short cut that should not be taken!
to tell someone it is "safe" or "ok" is plain ignorant and stupid and if you need explaining you are a lost cause

I believe he was taking a shot at Domingo's work- not his degree of safety.

i took it as a shot in general
stan has a very good point!
he is pointing out the obvious and i feel
he owes nothing to anyone!

domingo forgets people are stupid in general
not everyone who reads this is savvy
next you will see is someone getting hurt
because they used thier harbor frieght shop crane
to lift a c body with only the door removed
to fit the crane in
because he saw it work on moparts...
if domingo wants to take chances like that
or paint without a respirator
thats great!
encouraging others to do the same isn't....
all the talent in world is worth squat
when you are not around to use it.
i use a shop crane to lift car shells up like that
but i put the shell right down on my small
trailer to move it or hang it on the rotissere
it does not stay suspended in the air any longer then needed
and i NEVER go under it when it is suspended PERIOD!
it is not worth taking the chance...