
I work at an all Chrysler/ Jeep / Dodge salvage yard I can tell 3.9/5.2/5.9 Magnum motors are getting hard to find and one under 100K is going to be expensive and the demand is growing everyday.

A lot of times these vehicles are hit in the front (duh) and the cooling is bad or the wiring is smashed. So as Zippy stated it's sometimes tough to determine the health status(cylinder head issues mostly) of the engine but I sell every one of them that comes through the door and our core buyers dont haggle on price they just take them all on site.

As a side I think 10K is alot of money for a "crate motor" but at least for us Mopar guys other than sourcing your own parts and taking them to a builder it may be the only way.

Interesting info directly from that side of the business. Thank you.

Do you think the cly head issues wipe out a lot of potential 360 magnum cores?