I am a member of mopax and drop in from time to time but don't follow it daily. Like Autoxcuda said, it is populated by the nitty gritty, make it work, not much shiny stuff crowd that tends to lean towards rules restriced racing where there is not a lot of latitude in interpretation.

Im also a member of moparchat. When there I find myself reading the oval track section. Like mopax, it tends to be populated by the get it done, don't worry about looks, how can we manipulate the rules crowd.

I also visit pro-touring mopar. Since that is the genre most closely associated with handling these days, I do find some intersting info there as well as providing info from time to time too. However, as a genra, bling seems to be as important as the function, so I don't aways really dig on some of the buildups, even though they are impressive.

I visit pro-touring.com as some of the technical info there is extensive and deep. It does take some weeding out to sort the GM specific from technically relevent info occasionally, and it also is a bit blingy at times, but overall pretty decent.

Read through corner carvers a few times and never really found myself caring much for it. Attitudes, rules, and format all worked in a manner that encouraged me to delete it from my favorites.