


Is it anything like CornerCarvers, arrogant snob's (and I very rarely, rarely resort to name calling , but CC leaves me no choice )?


Almost all race oriented tech. Not a lot of street stuff.

No protouring A/C, P/W, shiny paint type stuff.

You have to meet some of these guys to really understand, but suffice it to say that this is NOT the whine and cheese crowd.........

I will always try to keep an open mind, however RP with 200 wins is still a nice guy, and arrogant snob would NEVER cross anyone's mind when talking to him, Its Ok to be smarter, more gifted, more experienced, etc then anybody else, but looking down on people for what seems to be THE objective over there is not OK in my book, and I also think there is merit to the saying about the company one keeps.

Bottom line, I don't see "corners best" going that direction, and that is fine by me.

" All sorts of things can happen when you are open to new Ideas" Inventor of Kevlar