
that's what i figured, i couldnt see any reason for type f to work any different in a non lock up A-518 then how it works in a 727, that's the fluid im leaning twords using the most. I will most likely use it, is there a difference between type f and type fa?

727 904 518 non puter are designed to use mercon/dextron 11 which is now dextron 111. type f in 727/518 nobody will warranty for street use,will wear out teflon seals much faster,and does not lubercate as well as dextron111, will also never work in puter controled valve body trans that reads line/valve pressure.518 with just lockup converter i can see that working, i build all my drag car trannys for years, with full manual valve bodies that shift super hard already why would you want to use type f? i only use dextron 111 in 727s. type f was designed for old iron case c-6s that robbed tons off power,so ford pulled out few cluth packs and needed more positive cluth pressure to hold trans from slipping. in bone stock trans will firm up shifts with no work done to it same as b/m trick shift. if you want a trans to bang and bark build it