what lubricating properties are need for the overdrive? and since lubrication is important for the overdrive should i be considering a fluid like the valvoline max life atf? i wanted to run the max life atf and had my mind pretty much made up over it untill the owner of the transmission shop who re-built my A-518 told me to stay away from synthetic atf's.
I really wish i knew why he does not want me to run a synthetic atf, he didnt really explain himself on that he just said stay away from synthetics, is synthetic atf's a bad idea for my transmission? or can and should i use the max life, or should i just run regular dexronIII because thats what he says to run? i would like the added protection of the synthetic if thats an important thing in the overdrives wich it sounds like it is. but i would also like firmer shifts, would the max life atf cause softer shifts then reg dexronIII or would they be close enough to where a person couldnt tell?