thanks guys for answers. I have some questions more for you.
As I am going to make tubular chassie except front subframes there are many sides how to get best weight transfer, instant centre etc. This is all new stuff for me and I hope here is somebody who can lead me into right path. (I still going to use Caltracs in this project) I mean-explain how and why should I do this and this. Is there some good calculators what can help me?
As Iam going to make new firewall and floor also then Iam able to move motor quite a lot behind and so on...but how much is enough, what should be motor height? Is better to lower or raise motor with tranny etc. As you see, lot of questions (hopefully not too dumb ones)where I need help and hope to get answers. As this is not easy project then I want to make it work first time
I also trie to lower whole car as much as possible

Last edited by Georg; 06/24/11 02:38 PM.

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