You bought the Monster Mopar Weekend show, race program, rights to use the name, and so and so forth. MMW was a proven brand specific race. If you wanted to start small, and not stick your richard out on the line you should have done it like SS Promotions did it, start off small, come up with your own name and not paid for the rights to MMW. Monster Mopar Weekend started as Monster Mopar Sunday as a one day race with a much smaller payout and entry fee. You are asking the racers to show up and pay the entry fee for a weekend format race and a payout of a one day race. I will show up for Sunday only. How much entry for Sunday only? Should be about $75.00.

The format as you have it planned, is not the Monster Mopar Weekend that us racers showed up to Gateway International Raceway for and made it successful for SS Promotions

On the original topic of this thread, box---no-box combo races suck, especially when there will more than likely be more no-box cars than box cars. I race both and the box car will win that race 90 times out of 100. You are advertising 200 cars and $8000 winner.

So you are expecting a good car count. 100 cars in each class at $125 entry is $12500 per class and you think $3000 winner payout and around $5000 total payout per class is fair? You must have your eyes on a new Italian sports car. The sat. race should be a no additional cost race for all race classes there except Q32. Q32 should be $10000 to win because 7.99 and faster cars are not worth bringing out for $5000. And yes us racers do want more chances at winning money, and a box-no-box combo is a poor way to give us racers another chance at winning money, but a good way for you to put a gigantic dollar amount in your ads to sucker people to your race.

Brand specific races need out of town racers to show up or failure is probable. There has to be a reasonable pay-out to entry fee ratio or most out of town racers will stay close to home and race at their local dragstrip.

I was one of the first guys to get on the ones saying they wouldn't go to MMW at Indy because it's too far and gas costs this much and hotels cost this much. I was thinking the only thing different about MMW this year would be the location. Man was I wrong. Those guys saying gas and hotels would make it not worth while were right.

Again I look forward to MMW as much or more than anyone else. And yes the economy is in the toilet right now. But that is no reason to change the format. Maybe have the payouts vary to reflect the amount of entrys. Example 100 cars in Pro would have the same winners pay, [$4000] as the old MMW and only 52 cars reduce pay by 48% which would be $2080 to win instead of $4000, and sat. would be $2000 with 100 cars and $1040 with 52 cars. Fighting your way through 100 tough racers for a $125 entry and only $3000 to win and the promoter takes a $7500 profit is not at all fair. Promoters are supposed to make their money off of spectators, t-shirts, sponsored advertisements, beer, soda, hot dogs and so-on. With out the racers the promoters have no show! Promoters have many ways to get paid, and racers have to win to get paid.