
First of all let me say thanks for voicing your opinion, but I think you are missing the complete picture as far as monster mopar is concerned.

You are correct payouts have been cut, but what does it take for those great big payouts, it takes sponsors and race cars, can you tell me what the spectator count is going to be its first year under a new owner, on a different weekend, or how many race cars will show up, or car shows or vendors...... If you know how these numbers are going to fall please share them with me as I can then adjust everything up or down. I also bet you aren't aware that Chrysler pulled the ability away from its local dodge dealers funding for sponsoring things like monster mopar, so that alone my friend is a twenty thousand dollar kick in the richard.

So here was my recipe for the monster mopar weekend. Count on nothing more than 50% of the car count than last year in St. Louis, make sure I can pay the bills, ie track rental, judges, staff, insurance, make sure I guarantee whatever payouts I publish, give the racers as much actual racing as i can for the time they spent at the track and expect to make ZERO dollars. ZERO!!!!!!!!!! This is about a $150,000 out of pocket endeavor, and I am happy as a lark to say i made zilch, nada, nothing.

The reason for that is because I didn't want to watch another mopar event die.

Take a look at the payout to entry fee ratio at any other mopar race in the country and let me know how mine compares. Is it as big as it was last year, nope but this isnt last year in st Louis with 26 years of historical data to judge either.

Now, if the show makes it thru it's first year without bankrupting me, and looks as if it will be bigger the next year, or even larger than I expected the first year, i will more than gladly raise the payouts.

If you don't or can't see I'm for the racers first and me second I can't help that

With that said, I'm gladly accepting associate class sponsors to help increase the payouts of these classes, so if you are interested please let me know.