It is good to have another day to race for cash but if I remember correctly, for $110.00 weekend entry at the old MMW we raced for $2000 to win on Sat. and $4000 to win on Sun. in S/PRO and PRO. That equaled $6000 to win for $110 entry over the weekend. Friday there was a gambler race for additional purse and entry. Quick 32 raced for $10000., not $5000, now you might have to let 9 sec cars in to fill the field. Remember, big purses bring in fast cars, fast cars bring in spectators, and spectators bring in cash! In S/PRO and PRO, for a $125 entry we should be racing for more cash than the old $110 entry fee, not less, and now the payout has been cut in half! Now you act like you are doing the racers some kind of favor by making us shell out more cash for winner take all race on Saturday. The old MMW was an excellent brand specific race and was successful because of the good pay schedule and program. Cutting the payout and raising the entry fees sounds like a recipe for disaster.

I look forward to the all Mopar races but will not go to the Mopar Nationals because of low pay and high entry fees. I must not be alone because the racecar count at the nats sucks and the quick 16 race is slow.

It seems I am the only one with neg comments. Is everyone else blind to the huge paycuts or do you just not care so you can go to a race with Mopars only? I hope it is a success as much as anyone else, but i see a disappointment in the making. Plenty of time yet to fix it.