
guess this is a never ending debate. My personal preference is only to blast floors, jambs, bracing, etc. I prefer to leave the exterior body skin alone and strip it by hand using moslty chemical stripers and all sanding by hand or using an orbital sander...disc sanders also take away metal and scratch it bad...I stay away from those. Thats the way I DO IT and I have great results. Works for me that way! I dont like RISKING damaging good original sheetmetal, Id rather play it safe and spend a bit more time!!!

I am talking about my own cars done at my shop and my own first hand experience. Like I said, I dont have all the equipment available in the US at my disposal but I have tried a few things...and from my experience I stay away from blasting exterior sheetmetal skin.

I was at the Nats this year and there were a lot of nice cars there, but there were only a few that had what I would call "a perfect paint job" -although we all know there is no such thing-. These were usually the higher end cars or cars done by high end shops. Most cars on the field were really nice cars but the paint jobs were not something I would call perfect.

Ken Mosier's (the Finder Details) had really nice paint jobs...I wonder if he blasts the outer sheetmetal skin.

I blasted every inch of this car, inside and out. If I do say so myself, it came out pretty damn good.