I certainly apologize for coming off rude with my comment. Please check the date stamp, it was quite early and I only had a very short time to comment before getting my kids out of bed and starting our day...

Ok first off...Your time is just as valuable as your money. The first thing to remember when doing a restoration is that you don't want to do things twice.
I can guarantee you that no matter who the painter is or how good they think they can mask a car, you're going to get sanding dust, primer over spray, paint over spray and all other kinds of crap on your nice new clean fresh parts that you've already mounted. You're going to spend more time and effort RE-DETAILING all your components.

Second of all..."Spring Green" is a metallic colour and the car should be all painted together as mentioned.

Also the engine/transmission should be installed from the bottom, meaning that if you've gone ahead and installed the K Frame already, you'll have to remove it again..

And if it's a "money thing" like you have to save up for the final paint, then you're better off concentrating all your financial efforts in one direction at a time. For instance, hold off doing the suspension and drive train until the paint is 100% complete. Then as you can afford other components you can get them done and install them right away.
For example...picture having a complete painted shell in your garage and nothing else prepared....You can get the heater box and pedals done - install them, you can get the dash, steering column done - install them, etc...etc...
instead if you get those things done first, they just sit around collecting dust waiting for a car that may never get painted...

Sorry about this morning...