Here's something a little off the wall - are you familiar with the sound of the V-10's? Shop I used to work at had a customer with quite a few of them, not to mention we built the Tomahawk bikes, and I never liked the sound of any of them. Some of the Vipers had side pipes, some full exhaust with a variety of mufflers, and we also had a few customers with V-10 converted cars in for exhaust work and I never heard one that I liked. Same with the V-10 trucks, both Dodge and Ford. We could make them loud, but with the extra cylinders and a relatively smooth cam they just sounded flat to me, and several of the other mechanics thought the same thing. It may not be an issue to you, but I would hate for you to do all the work to install a V-10 and not be happy with the results.

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Factory trained Slinky rewinder.........