must be a complete idiot for having a trusting attitude towards people. Someone please tell me how a perfect copy of a piece of paper that already exists is in anyway dishonest or will hurt anything? Please tell me, I can't see it. Wait a minute, I think I got it, some are questioning the integrity and morality of those that MIGHT to it. I see, what a moron I am, I don't think of people that way as being dishonest until they prove otherwise. An honest person generally trust people, a dishonest person would question the intentions of others right out of the box.


What a strange concept thinking that people are otherwise honest and law abiding, instead of assujming and fearing they are thieves and scroundrels and out to cheat everyone. I cant hide in my house everyday fearing others and what they might do. There will always be people in life who will find some way to beat the syetem. Monetary, food stamp, or whatever, some people will steal and defraud, but we dont stop living in our society out of fear of the few out there.