Why not use this point in the thread for an intermission? How about some comic relief as it relates to the rationale that has been expressed by some? How about using the Work place and "employee conversation" as our setting!? Here goes:

DAVE: Hey Joe.....anyone who drives a Ford Truck is an idiot!

JOE: Take that back Dave! I drive a Ford Truck!

DAVE: I wasn't even speaking of you Joe. I said anyone who drives a Ford Truck is an idiot!

JOE: Listen to what you are saying Dave! You include me when you say that "anyone" who drives a Ford Truck is an idiot!

DAVE: Are for real Joe? Can you not understand plain English? I wasn't even talking about you! Chill out. I simply said that ANYONE who drives a Ford Truck is an idiot!

JOE: Yeah Dave.....but I drive a Ford Truck....

Can you understand your quote now big Dave?!
"Are you for real? You didn't read my quote very well. I wasn't even speaking of you. I said anyone working on it with Chrylser would be in it for the money."