

Chrysler and anyone working on it with Chrysler would only be in it for one reason, $$$$.

Well Dave....I would have thought that after reviewing the facts you would have drawn a different conclusion. I did these seven years ago and have sat on them with no need for the money that you assume "anyone" would have done this for. When people make unjustified comments like THAT, it only exposes their personality and what THEY would do in a similar situation. I think what you are actually saying is that YOU would only be in it for the money! Now before you respond and lecture me about how I have no right to judge who you are and what you think .... please remember the "hypocrisy" thread that could be posted somewhere down the road!

Are you for real? You didn't read my quote very well. I wasn't even speaking of you. I said anyone working on it with Chrylser would be in it for the money. I guess if you take offense to that, then that makes you a guilty party. Enough said.