
and that point was made 100 posts ago.

Actually Ted we are right back where this originally started! Forget the fact that a piece of junk reproduction "fake" car is completely acceptable as long as the assembly instruction sheet says that it is real! (Keep in mind that Broadcast Sheets are NOT a document and were NEVER intended to be anything but a disposable build instructional guide some 40 years ago.) The "Sheep" have all followed this backwards brainwashing over the years! I have never seen such a ridiculous, more contradictory, oxymoron way of thinking in my life. If you have a re-bodied car with no paperwork than you are considered weasel and a crook. If you have a re-bodied phony car and a "real" Broadcast sheet to authenticate what it is, then you are okay in everyone's book! We have become an industry of collecting paper....the heck with the car! Fake the car and have original paperwork.... Get reproduction paperwork that represents an all original car.... What a perfect and logical way of thinking!