The second story happened on the same day. Top Fuel eliminations begin, The crowd is going crazy and ZAP...the power suddendly goes out for the entire track. It's the middle of the day, but no PA for a while, and frantic calls going out to the power company. The crowd kept having fun, I remember a "Tastes great...Less Filling" battle going for a bit. Finally, someone brings a small portable generator large enough to somewhat power the PA. Bill Sr. Keys up the mic and says, "Well folks, that goes to show you...nothing goes right when your underwear's tight!" He tells everyone the power company will be there in 10 minutes for a simple fix, then he plays some music. Anyone familiar with Norwalk will appreciate this...He put on his favorite Frankie Yankovic polka tape. 20,000 people at a national event listening to "Hoop De Doo"! Eddie Hill was waiting patiently in his car, and Fuzzy Carter was standing near me. He looks up at the PA speaker blaring accordian and banjo, looks at me and says with a smile on his face, "Only at Norwalk!"

Ron H.
"Just when you think you have all of the answers...I change the questions!" "Rowdy" Roddy Piper