My Uncle tells this story..ive heard it many times..i feel like i was there...

Pre-face...My Uncle and Steve Kanuika where good freinds..Kanuika built motors for Jungle Jim Lieberman and claire Sanders in the early yrs..
the story goes...jungle was in a hurry to get to a race in fla..
at some point in the trip ..during a stop .
they realised that fuel had spilled in the trailer..
the fuel had gotten all over Jungles fire suit..
remember those shiney silver suits...they were not cheap either....?
so..they had the suit tied to the outboard mirrors and in the bed of the truck to try to air it out the rest of the the trip.
they get to the race...and the first pass jungle comes back and says..the fuel is BURNING the heck out of his Man parts....
you can image race fuel on that...and the amount of time he will have to be in that suit..
Jungle was well known for long smokey burnouts..
he stated...that "i am gonna have to do short burnouts this weekend..the less time im in the fire suit the better..
Well..the next pass...Jungle still does this Hairy usuall...but this time..
he hauls butt in reverse to make it back to the stage.....
My uncle claims he was going 50 mph in reverse.
Jungle became famous for backing up after a burnout and going very fast doing it..
My uncle claims this is how that got started..
cause he had race gas spilled in the crotch of his

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured