my turn cousin used to run smallblock chevy on model A rail.. with a dodge pu style T bucket
i was 16..and this was at Atco...his car was pretty fast...usually ..but they always seemed to have some major drama..every weekend.he raced it..
my cousin had a 75 amc pacer 3 on the tree..we used it as the pit vehicle...
anyway..this perticular weekend..the rail car was giving them fits usual.
and my buddy Mike's older brother Vince who ran a gto was pitted next to us..his car blew a head gasket he never even got past the first time trial...
so He said to me...use my number and run the pacer...
so i asked my cousin if I could run the pacer in eliminations...he said no, ,at first but after a little convincing..somehow ...i got his approval.
I let Vince take it through tech and explain the change in vehicles....
i didnt have a license..but i knew how to drive..
and had put many of miles on the pacer anyway..
(driving it down kettle run road if you know the area around Atco/marlton)
so first pass in the car..Vince says..just rev it to about 1700 then let go of the clutch when you see the green light..
well...i knew better and dumped it at the last yellow....cut a good light..and shifted the thing to 16 second et...
a little wheel hop..but otherwise it went just fine..
I went 5 rounds in that car..winning every time.
it was cool seen it done so many times...figured it was easy...and actually it was that day..
every time i would come back to the pits..and with a win....everyone was really surprised...
even my cousin took notice..
they/he only went like 3 rounds or so in the rail..
so late in the day..every one was done....
everyone BUT ME...THAT IS...
i made it all the way and won the money.
the only issue is they announced Vince as the driver and he had to go get the money...
it was great...i must have been charmed...
cause i won my fair share of races at atco as a kid...little did i know it wouldnt be like that now my cousin is all ...jacked up on the he tunes it up ,changes the oil..washes it..
the next weekend i say lets enter the pacer..
he doesnt even hesitate and pays its entry..
ONLY this time he tells me that HE is gonna drive it....
he went out first round....HAHAHAHA....
that was a good time....

365" Iron J heads,,3480lbs best 1.39 60ft on SS springs.10.54,124 mph ...6.67 1/8th et.average 60fts 1.46 w/ small cam &.063 no2 pill tagged & insured