Stories like this are why I LOVE DRAG RACING!!!

The Nice Guys really do out number the Butt-Heads and from what I have heard a few names mentioned above are actually some nice guys away from the Heat of Competition.

I haven't got any REAL big stories to tell.

Just wanted to let all you Ole Timers know that you have made this the best Motorsport out there for a Family!!

I take my Wife and 3 kids (2 girls, 1 Boy) to the track every chance I get. They all WANT to go. I don't have to worry about bad-attitudes or Nasty Mouths or them getting hurt as long as they keep their distnce from the cars while crews are working.

I really admire the comroderary among the competitors as well. Seen a guy in Pro 5.0 loan a guy and helped him install a transmission. Little did I know the guy that loaned the trans was up against the guy that borrowed it for the Final Round. The Guy that loaned could have easily NOT loaned the trans and made the other guy miss the starting call, but he didn't he was there to race. The guy that loaned the trans did end up winning by a front fender and got his trans back.

You just don't see that kind of stuff in other forms of any Sport.

I'll just be glad when I finally get be on the track again myself!!