It's amazing how these things snowball. I bought the evaporust to do some small parts and didn't expect much. I've always been a blast it with something kind of guy. I was amazed at what it did. So typical 40+ year old kid I got the rustiest pieces I could find to see just what it would do. Still amazed. I cleaned up a set of shoulda been throwed away rear sway bar supports and even found some inspection marks along the way that I didn't expect to find. I'm not easily sold on new products but it works and doesn't try to destroy what lungs I have left or eat my skin off. 2 good extras! I've been just cleaning the parts with hand cleaner and Dawn with water and then shooting on some WD40 till I can do something with it. Here comes the snowball. I've done about every trick known to man for natural metal parts. So here I am with a pile of parts that need something. So I order the RPM. I'm sceptical at first but now I love it. The process takes a little time to get on to, but the alternatives are twice as much work. I'm trying the homemade stuff on a rear center as soon as I get it clean. I need 3+ gallons to soak it in a 5 gallon bucket and evaporust is just to pricey for that. I posted some pics of the stuff I've done so far. Question, has anybody soaked a carb in it like the bottle shows on the evaporust?