Originally Posted by crackedback
Originally Posted by moparx
Originally Posted by RoadRunnerLuva
What movie is this car supposed to be in??? Anybody here have any proof it's going to be in a movie? Or is it all just speculation work

???????????????????? nosy, er, i mean, curious minds [?] want to know..........

F&F 54 - return of the curmudgeons smile

Claimed FAST and the Curious, Did it Really Happen (the movie).

If a movie is ever made just wait and see how many people come out of the woodwork to claim they were part of that history that haven't come out yet.

You know when I got my '69 Road Runner back in April of 1969 I street raced a lot of cars from stop signs to traffic lights to just driving down a 4-lane highway. Out of the hundreds of cars I "raced" maybe a couple of handfuls knew I was racing them. Pulling away from a traffic light and the guy next to you in his station wagon or delivery truck that decides that he's going to see if he can stay with you for the next twenty feet as you pull away from the light is NOT a drag race laugh2 But I did win all or most of those "drag races" that Road Runner was damn quick. Hmmmmm I wonder if I can get it into the National Registy and maybe a movie? wink