Originally Posted by DoubleD
I look at it this way - The car was well promoted with a good story line that had all the right elements for marketing! Its a rare car and worth some decent coin - the rest of the price was for the marketing - and in the end if buyer was comfortable with his purchase then so be it! I don't see any fraudulent statements - just some really good bench racing - story telling! The former owner was an upstanding gentleman and I think that added to some credence to the story being told. The car probably was not super fast back in the day in Detroit - but running the streets back then it was probably in the top 20% of production cars of the day and that was the majority of what was racing on the streets.

I imagine any street racing was a pick your battle for the Ghost. Next to the Silver Bullet GTX, you pull away slowly or take a side street, stock 396 Chevelle, let’s go!