Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by Pacnorthcuda
Originally Posted by Sniper
Originally Posted by 360view

Musk has previously praised the potential of this battery.

Musk is a carnival barker.

How many of his claims have not come to fruition? Either not hitting the time frame he claimed or the technology itself?

Tesla, Space X, one of the richest people in the world. That’s one hell of a carnival barker!

A fool and their money are soon parted.

I, for one, do not understand why anyone believes anything he says, much less invests money in him.

Tesla and SpaceX have repeated missed major milestones yet the money rolls in. Any other company and the stock holder would have fired the CEO long ago. How about that autonomous driving? How's that going private working out for Tesla? How about Dogecoin's valuation?

Have you ever failed? Do you have the wherewithall to keep failing upwards? More power to Musk, he will fail righteously a few more times, then look out! boogie

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!